Opening hours today for Hakim Optical

09:30 - 21:00

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🕗 Hakim Optical hours in Ottawa, K1K 3B8

K1K 3B8 644 – 1200 St. Laurent Blvd. Ottawa, ca
Phone: 613-288-2200, Fax: 613-288-1487,
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Hakim Optical began more than 45 years ago, when Sir Hakimi was grinding lenses for the Canadian wholesale market. He learned his craft as a youth in his native Iran and honed it in subsequent years, grinding lenses in Germany and camera lenses in Switzerland. Attracted by the excitement of retail opportunities, Sir Hakimi began to pass the great deals he gave wholesalers on to the public. Today, Hakim Optical serves the people of Canada with 161 outlets (including 140 one hour factory outlets) across Ontario, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia.


Nearest Hakim Optical stores, Hakim Optical Ottawa St. Laurent Hakim Optical (110)

Oakley Ottawa SPORT CHEK 330, Ottawa

1200 ST. LAURENT BLVD, 69.4 m

Closed today

Oakley Ottawa NEW LOOK 242 CENTRE ST-LAURENT, Ottawa

1200 BOUL ST-LAURENT, 69.4 m

Closed today

Hakim Optical Ottawa Vanier Hakim Optical (106), Ottawa

150 Montreal Road, 2.4 km

Closed today

Lens Crafters Ottawa, Ottawa

1200 St Laurant Blvd, #103, 69.4 m

Closed today